Archive | July 2015

Why you care which is not yours?

First of all, lets think that all what we have now is not ours. It is given freely to us by our creator, to enjoy. But there are some people who are “enjoying too much” to the extend they are destroying themselves. By doing these things, you end up, not enjoying your life to the fullest, loosing the meaning of our existence, which is to Honor God and Make Disciple. When we don,t use properly the purpose that is intended to us, our life will be meaningless.

As stated in the Book of Luke 16:10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” 

This is the very essence of our question. In School Plant and  Property Management Subject.. it is also applicable since the government or the administrator of each institution is entrusting to us their properties in which we are expected to take care of it.

Having the right attitude towards our work, we can help the school preserve their properties at least for couple of years. And when they see that we are responsible in little things, eventually they will entrust us with much bigger and modern facilities.